Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 19, Suva, Viti Levu, Fiji

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving. 

 Today we visited Suva, the capital city of the island of Fiji. Very interesting view of the island. We visited the museum where we saw utensils used during the cannibalism days on the island along with pictures of cooked specimens. Nasty. But history is history. We also saw some pretty local birdlife and plants.

Last night, we heard the dulcimer played by a gentleman from China. What a masterful performance.

We have stopped gambling in the casino because the machines don't pay anything to anybody. Carnival Ships casinos pay-off better. The internet is extremely slow like we have found on other ships.

Tomorrow we have a quiet day on the island of Dravuni where we will spend the day on the beach.

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